

This past weekend I had a nightmare. My brother was giving me a bear hug. Then my brother turned into someone who was hugging me, but too tightly, and he started to squeeze the breath out of me. I opened my mouth to protest, but couldn't close it because he (whoever it was) was squeezing me so hard (think of a cartoon where people turn into odd shapes). Then my mouth opened so wide that my jaw bones started crushing my back molar teeth, and the pieces of my teeth crumbled in my mouth and I had to spit them out so I wouldn't choke on them. Throughout this whole process I was becoming more and more nauseas (who wouldn't if their teeth were getting crushed!) and bawling my eyes out over my teeth (thankfully I - for some odd reason - felt no pain). At that point I either stopped dreaming or woke up. I'm not sure which.

Seriously strange and horrible dream. I don't have nightmares often. Perhaps this is why. oi!

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