
Guess WHAT!!!

Ask Michelle...
*BIG grin*
or take a peek here


Culinary Happiness

Tonight I made granola AND hommous. Not intended to go together, but equally delightful to the tastebuds. :)

mmmmm... savoring the fruits of my labor. grins The hommous fruits. ;)

Now all I need is more vegetables...

edit:: And people. Does someone want to come share it with me...??? :)


There and back again...

It hardly seems possible that a week ago I was surrounded by people that I would much rather spend the majority of my time with than without. As Kat and I were musing the night before she and Paul got married, that past week - the gathering together of all of us - was a sort of "proof" of what we will continue to do for the rest of our lives. Crazy. That it wasn't simply a wedding (though that helped) that brought us from all corners of the earth to be together in one spot, but rather the people that drew us there. The relationships that drew us there. May there be weddings for many many years, and after that... well... we'll figure something out! grins Last week was most definitely a treasure.

It's strange to be typing out all these things instead of saying them to the people I'm talking about... It's kind of crazy how quickly being with all the people I was with went from "I can't believe we're finally together!" to "This is normal; I've always been with these girls (and guys) and this week will stretch out into eternity." grins Except in reality as we all experience it, it never happens that way. ;)

So instead, here are some pictures that will never do justice to the time spent together... but really, what are pictures for but to remind us and prompt our ever-forgetful minds of time together well spent and the beauty of relationships such as these.
Amy is driving HER car (Sam's) FULLY LICENSED... grins HONGERA!!

What do you get when you put girls, paint, and paint brushes together...?
On guard! Tu shei! (somebody please help me with French spelling)

Because we love Kat and Becca... Kat got to wear her other wedding dress (grins) and we got to take pics with Becca who was in another wedding the same day. :) Practice pictures!! YAY!

God, thank you for Highlander... :) I love you girls.

Becca, you are beautiful. Inside and out. And I can't wait to spend all next year with you! grins I'm really really looking forward to it. Love you!!

Meet Tegan, the master HENNA artist. ;) grins I love you Tegani. And spending time with you was so incredibly refreshing.

The Arensen Girls

Noel Baja................ Habashy. It was SO awesome to see you! We really must do that more often. ;)

So, I think all of my friends are gorgeous. And I'm not just being biased. They are! But the ones that eat flowers... they are just all sorts of amazing. Especially this one. ;) grins

And I suppose I should stop here with the conventional "all of us" picture. If I posted all the pictures I'd like to... grins
So. Happy wedding!! :) Despite the goosebumps, shaking flowers, and occasional rain showers, it was an absolutely beautiful day. And especially so because of the people that filled it.

love you!!



I think you all should know that Noel posted, and I think you should all visit his blog and comment so that he keeps on posting. ;)


love ya Noel!