From the beginning:
Right after New Year's, some close friends of our family came over for a visit. The husband and wife, Don and Amy Rogers, work with a Christian organization called
Empowering Lives International (ELI), based out of Kenya, Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Sudan. My parents had told them of my interests in working overseas in sustainable development, so they wanted to get together with me before heading back to California and then on to Kenya. After talking with them about what they're doing in East Africa and the biblically-based, holistic values and goals that ELI bases it's being and working on, I decided to pursue an internship with them. Their work in sustainable agricultural development especially caught my attention. :) So thinking about for a while, and prayerfully considering doing some kind of internship with them, I followed through with an application, finishing it just before Easter. They got back to me the beginning of last week to tell me that they were excited about having me after having read my application, and were going to follow up with calling my references. At that point they would send my application to their staff in Kenya to review, and get back to me sometime the end of last week/beginning of this week (they called last night).
So what exactly will I be doing??
As much as I can remember from what Kierra, the woman I talked to, told me, I'll be in Kenya (I don't remember the name of the town/area...). ELI has a kind of 9-month educational program for applicants from Kenya, TZ, Uganda, and a couple other countries in East Africa, training these students in sustainable agricultural, as well as discipleship and Bible training. The program runs from September to December with a month-long Christmas holiday, and then students return in January and graduate in April. During my first chat with Kierra, she told me of this program and asked if I'd like to join them in studying sustainable agriculture. I, of course, was thrilled! :) There's also an orphanage nearby that I can get involved in during my down time! I am sooo excited!!
When will all this take place?
I'm trying to figure out dates now. I'll be leaving early/mid October and returning early December (the students go on holiday the 2nd week in December, so I'm trying to arrange my returning schedule based on that). So, Kat, Paul, and Paul C... :) You guys up for a visit early/mid October??? (Please say Yes!) grins
I'd like to stop over a night or 2 (or whatever works) in London to see some friends and a bit of the sights there, then fly into Dar es Salaam and somehow find Kat, Paul and Paul (help?). Then I would take a bus? to Kenya and connect with the staff with ELI... Apparently it's been done before (by the many who have gone on before me... ;) Like Noel, who took an 8-hr bus ride in the opposite direction), so I'll be counting on the wisdom of those many to give me a few hints in the right direction. :)
How I'm getting there...
Working. grins Saving my pennies (all that which is not being sent off to not-so-lovely SallieMae). I'll also be raising support.
I know I don't have to ask, but please continue to pray for me as all these plans continue to unfold over the next days, weeks, and months ahead. We can make all the plans we want, but it's the Lord who orders our steps (Jeremiah). And honestly, who better than the One who holds the universe and our hearts in His hand.
I'll keep you posted. (grins Pun intended. Yes, horrible, I know. Blame it on Amy soon-to-be-Divinagracia.) ;)