
bear with my processing...

existentialism... post-modernity...

individuality... aloneness? or self-sufficiency? but people are made for people. wait. passive 'are made'. my thought process, my language, is undeniably shaped by my Christian background. how would you say it then? or would you still say 'are made' but think 'by parents' instead of 'by God'? even so, Already the individual is no longer.

freedom... in everything... but real freedom, unchained? aren't you simply adding on more links? heavier ones? so many people dragging around mill-stones... do they even realize...?

choice. unlimited.
everything has limits...
do you feel suffocated by your unlimited options?

moral individualism...
I, god.
whoe... wait a second.
are you sure you can fill those shoes? are you sure you want to?

does hope exist for the existentialist/post-modernist? assuming this person is not a Christian... or perhaps not assuming anything of the sort...

what of grace?

these two words are probably two of the strongest words that I know...
what do they mean to you?

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