
Letter to a Friend... some mutual edification.

It struck me as I continued to read through Philippians how much God uses us and works through us during our personal times of hardship to touch other people's lives... both for those who believe in Christ and those who don't. And that perhaps one of the most notable outcomes is an en-courag-ing (courage is in the middle!!) and strengthening of our brothers and sisters in their own relationships with the Lord (and the out-flowing that has in their relationships with others)...

Paul writes (Philippians 1:12-14, 27): Now I want you to know, brothers [and sisters], that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. Because of my chains, most of the brothers [and sisters] in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.
Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one [body] for the faith of the gospel...

Imagine if Paul fell apart?! Was consumed by despair and self-pity...?! Can you imagine what impact that would have had on the new churches??? And yet I'm reminded that Paul was INDEED a man, and that it was the work of the Holy Spirit in him - his making room and submitting to the Holy Spirit - that enabled and empowered him to believe, think, act, speak in ways that could only come from God. Then I ask myself, how much do I wallow in despair and self-pity... and how much do I make room for the Holy Spirit to do the work of the Father and the Son in me? I want the latter!!

I also got to wondering... what are my chains?? (or maybe I should be asking... what AREN'T my chains... hehe) ;)
And I'm reminded of the verses (not sure from where)... that Christ has set us free... so we are free indeed!! Do I live in the freedom of Christ, or do I grasp at the chains that Jesus has so willingly taken from me?

And last for today... I love the bit that says that we (brothers and sisters in Christ) stand firm in one spirit. It just fills me with an amazing joy and warmth. Standing firm together in one spirit... is something that cannot be weakened by absence or distance (though being closer to one another is certainly nice!!) or time. It may grow and change as we ourselves grow and change, but the Spirit remains at the center - the focus - and is unchanging... the Spirit is OUR anchor, what allows us to stand firm together. Amazing. Powerful.

Praying that Christ is your anchor today, and mine.

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