
Guess what I did this morning!!

I got up at 4:30. Actually... it was more like 4ish because I was paranoid I'd fall asleep again and sleep through my alarms (There are 4 of them, and YES I have slept through ALL of them before. Thus, paranoia justified.).
I threw on my swimsuit (and other clothes), shoved a towel in my bag, grabbed my journal, Bible, a book, and cookies, and hopped on my bike for the train station. I parked my bike illegally (the cops don't start checking till later on in the day) and caught the 5:51 train to Shimohama beach. grins Yes. I went to the beach this morning. It was WONDERFUL. And I went SWIMMING!!!! That was even MORE WONDERFUL. The first time I've been swimming since coming to Japan. I'm going again! I don't know when exactly... but soon. The water was perfect. Not frigid, but not bath water.
The beach itself is actually rather depressing because it's so littered with trash and junk... but once you get over that... it's still rather depressing. But the view of the sea is nice. :) The waves still make the sound waves make when they wash against the shore. The seagulls still make the sound seagulls make when they fly back and forth over the water. And I still make the sound I make when I talk to God... and to myself. grins

And of course... what's a good blog about the beach without pictures?? I won't disappoint. Here you go. :)

To the south. Chokkai-san (Mt. Chokkai - dormant volcano). I'm hiking it with Brooke and Juri next week. :)

To the north. Akita City. 2 train stops from Shimohama.

The beath... slightly depressing.

Me at the beach. Hopefully not depressing.

My feet meet Japan Sea.

They become friends.

Sitting in front of the Japan Sea... reading... journaling... drinking "ko-hi-" (coffee) milk yumminess... and taking pictures of all of the above.

Enjoying the "ko-hi-" milk yumminess. :)

I left the beach at 9ish. Now I'm headed up to Takanosu to spend the weekend with Amy's parents and sister Laura. We're going to do some serious hiking (and even camp for a night!). hurray! hurray!


sweetmiss said...

i comepletely commend your adventure to the ocean. completely. way to be awesome

Noel said...

Horray for blogs!

Rach, I was at a Japanese Hibachi grill last night and was thinking of you... and wondering how Japanese it was, though it was tremendously fun!

See in a month and a half!!