
sayonara janakute, matane deshyou?

(not "goodbye", but "see you", eh?) :)

It's way too early in the morning - October 5th. My last morning in Japan. Chotto kanashi (a little sad).

I need to finish packing, and I need to go to sleep. grins

Tomorrow I'm catching the 10:55 am flight from Akita to the domestic airport (Haneda) in Tokyo. I'll take a shuttle bus to Narita, the international airport, and fly out from there around 6pm. And then, China. CHINA!! Which means AMY and NOEL!! A couple days exploring Beijing, and then off again to Qingdao, where Amy is teaching. I'm so excited to see and experience a little bit of her life there.

I promise a more promising update will come, but for now I'm too tired and too lazy. So I'll leave you with some pictures of my last day in Akita instead. :)

me, Sarah, and
Ying (Sarah has an identical white Monokuro pig named Yang). Our last sleepover (last night). It's 2am and we're sad because I'm leaving. :*(

Fun times. Always. :) Playing crochet at the park in Goshono (where the Bengtson's live) with Sarah, Brian (my new teacher), Juri, Linda, and Dean. Sarah and I were pretty sure we knew what we were supposed to do with the mallets. ;) We showed Brian and Juri the true spirit of crochet. grins

Supper and dessert with the Bengtson family and their "extended family". :) (Linda, Christopher - 12, Joshua - 14, Sarah, Brian, Dean, Juri, me) We ate shabu shabu (one of my favorites) and drank lots of coffee (tea for Sarah) and watched "I love Lucy"... and talked and talked and talked. It was a wonderful last day.

samishikunaruyo!! (I'll miss you guys!)

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